Monday, 7 November 2011

Audience Profile - Secondary Audience

-         Male:
-         Name: Chris
-         Age: 25-40
-         Occupation: Store manager
-         Gender: Male
-         Ethnicity: British Anglo Indian
-         Genre of films: Action and drama
-         How regularly do they watch films: Rarely
-         Types of music they may like: Classical
-         Where they might go shopping for clothes: Officers club and Burton
What they like doing in their spare time: Reading books and watching films

-         Female:
-         Name: Amina
-         Age: 25-40
-         Occupation: Unemployed
-         Gender: Female
-         Ethnicity: British Asian
-         Genre of films: Romance
-         How regularly do they watch films: Five times a week
-         Types of music they may like: Classical
-         Where they might go shopping for clothes: Online shopping
-         What they like doing in their spare time: Spending time with the children and watching films

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